

Potable Water Mains

We deliver unrivalled expertise and turnkey potable water main solutions.

Our water supply demand is ever changing. Our clients constantly invest to build and sustain resilient water supply for their customers. We design, build, and maintain these networks, undertaking new trunk main and service main construction, diversions, and replacements of all sizes and specifications.

Our long-term partnerships speak for themselves, it is our attention to detail and unrivalled expertise that gives our clients confidence in allowing us to support and enhance their infrastructure every day.

As strategic partner for Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, Wessex Water & Bristol Water, we deliver water supply pipes and trunk mains for millions of their customers.

Examples of our success are:

  • We delivered over 8km of new potable water main to provide Hereford City with enough potable water to cater for new developments and growth and to increase resilience in Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water’s network.
  • Our strategic partnership with Bristol Water collaborated on a full early contractor involvement and collaborative design process to increase resilience and capacity into their network. The 8km pipeline connected over 32,000 people in Wells & Glastonbury with a new potable water main.
Wraxall Road

Wraxall Road

The Wraxall Road scheme is being delivered for Bristol Water as part of an overall package of 10.5km of water mains renovation.

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Wells to Glastonbury

Wells to Glastonbury

Providing a secondary supply route between Wells and Glastonbury for the purposes of maintaining a safe supply of water.

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