

Portbury WRC Flood Alleviation Case Study

Date Posted: 08.02.2023

Portbury WRC Flood Alleviation Case Study

We recently completed a comprehensive ECI & construction sea defence project with Wessex Water at Portbury WRC in Avonmouth, delivered by our Contracts Manager Ben Norris.

Our detailed investigative 2 stage ECI process was instrumental in exploring and advising our client on key project risks, safety, programme and cost which delivered the right information for the delivery team to make informed decisions in designing the solution to meet a unique set of project challenges.

The height of the existing sea wall was insufficient to protect against high spring tides and was overtopped along the entire length of the bank during March 2020.

Due to the significant risk of future property damage and in anticipation of very high astronomical tides in the future, we installed a sea defence around the whole perimeter of Portbury Wharf WRC to a height of 9.5mOD.

Works included:

  • Design & Installation of vehicle and pedestrian flood defence gates.
  • Design & Installation of precast wall units
  • Installation of an earthwork bund.
  •  Installation of plastic sheet pile wall with gabions.

The successful handover of the scheme to budget and a tight programme is not only testament to the skill and dedication of the direct delivery team but also demonstrates the benefit of our ECI.  This early engagement has resulted in a solution that provided optimal constructability and ensured that pre-planning requirements of third parties such as the EA and Natural England were satisfied.

Take a look at some awesome drone shots we took!


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